Buildings at Risk

What does the SAVE Britain's Heritage Buildings at Risk Register do?

The SAVE Britain’s Heritage Buildings at Risk Register highlights historic buildings that are vacant and whose future is uncertain.  Our central aim is to raise awareness of these forgotten buildings and ultimately to bring them to the attention of new owners or custodians who are able to repair them, return them to use and secure the buildings’ future.   Only a very few buildings are formally for sale but it is possible that owners of troubled buildings may be open to purchase offers or other kinds of help.

How can I access the register?

The SAVE Buildings at Risk Register is a searchable online database holding details of over 1,300 buildings from all over England, Wales and Scotland.  The full database and search functions, including the possibility of searching by region, county or building type, are only available to Friends and Saviours of SAVE. However, a basic search is available to all, giving a photo and the address of each building.   To access the register, please go to “Search the Register”.  To join as a Friend or Saviour, please visit “Support Us”.

How does SAVE compile the register?

SAVE has been compiling a register of Buildings at Risk since 1989 and it has been available online for almost 20 years.  Entries are updated periodically and the information in each entry therefore becomes a record of the building’s struggle to survive until they are either restored or lost. Where we identify cases in which we can actively intervene, we will for example write in support of listing applications, to oppose demolition plans, or to contact conservation officers or others to raise our concerns.

New entries to the register appear in the Buildings at Risk Catalogue which SAVE publishes in hard copy, usually on an annual basis.  After publication, the buildings listed in the catalogue are added to the online register. New additions are also added directly to the online register from time to time.

Can I get a Buildings at Risk Catalogue?

Approximately 100 new buildings at risk are added to the Buildings at Risk Register every year in our annual catalogue which also usually contains other features including inspiring success stories, details of schemes and organisations saving historic buildings and insights into areas where there are notable groups of buildings at risk.  To order the most recent Buildings at Risk Catalogue or any of the back copies we hold, click here.

Where do new nominations come from and how can I get involved?

New nominations and update information come from a number of sources, including conservation officers, our Friends and Saviours, heritage organisations and professionals, volunteers, community groups and other members of the public.   We welcome all contributions.  For further information about sending us details, or email Liz Fuller, our Buildings at Risk Officer on