EVENT: SAVE Walking Tour of Clerkenwell (London Festival of Architecture)

Image Credit: Stirling Ackroyd
This event had now sold out but if you would like to join the waiting list please email the office on office@savebritainsheritage.org.
Join SAVE Britain's Heritage on a tour of Clerkenwell, as part of the London Festival of Architecture, on 2nd June.
The village-like atmosphere of Clerkenwell, with its Green, church, pubs and narrow winding streets, makes it a very special place. Characterised by the eclectic variety of 18th, 19th and 20th century buildings, this once crime ridden ‘no go’ area was the first conservation area to be designated in Islington in 1968, and one of the first in London.
Today Clerkenwell is a ‘go to’ area - home to museums, hotels, bars and restaurants. Specialist craft and light industrial workshops traditional to the area form a key part of its identity and there is an amazing concentration of design and tech firms. However, located on the edge of the City, Clerkenwell is also constantly under pressure for major office development.
We will look at many remarkable buildings and spaces here from the recently restored Sessions House, and Clerkenwell Workshops, to Berthold Lubetkin’s iconic Finsbury Health Centre. We will take in new buildings by architects like David Adjaye, Hawkins Brown, Taha Amin and CZWG, and consider some of the continuing challenges facing the identity of this unique area.
The walk will be led by Alec Forshaw, former Principal Conservation and Design Officer at Islington, renowned historian, the author of many books on London, and a collaborator on many SAVE projects.
Date: Saturday 2nd of June 2018, 11 AM
Places limited. Booking essential. See here for more details and booking information.